Whether we're in a recession or not, the economy surely seems shaky right now. Some countries are officially in a recession and some countries show signs of heading there in the next 12 months. Some industries are struggling while others are flourishing. When things take an economic downturn, how will you handle it for your business? Now is the …
Who’s Minding The Store?
After I got out of the hot tub at 8:30 the one night, I noticed the water level was a little low. Since the hot tub is on the patio, it's easy to refill right from the outside hose. So I dutifully trotted over to the hose, dragged it to the hot tub, and started topping it up. It takes a long time for the hot tub to fill, so I left it running and …
The Imposter Syndrome
Do you feel like a fake? Are you waiting for the day that someone will discover that all your success was brought about by luck? You're not alone. According to this article in Inc. Magazine, as many as 70% of all people feel like a fake at some time. Back in the 1970's, psychologists studied this phenomenon, dubbed "The Imposter Syndrome." The …
Who Owns Your Website?
Recently I heard a story that bears repeating: Several years ago, a well-established company had hired a website designer to create their website for them. After working with this graphic artist for several years, they decided to move to a new graphic artist (my colleague). At the same time, they decided to move to a new hosting company, so they …