I’m collecting a list of must-have business books…books you’ve read (and maybe re-read) that clearly helped the way you think and the way you do things in your business, above all other books.
Are there one or two books that you would add to this list?
Dana Baedke
I have to add Erik Wahl’s Unthink: Rediscover Your Creative Genius. Reading this one now.
Karyn Greenstreet
Thanks for the book suggestion, Dana. (I think it’s time I invested in more book shelves. LOL)
What a great compilation… We could keep the book stores in business for life! Or perhaps start up a book swap! Hmmm. Ideas!
Karyn Greenstreet
That’s a brilliant idea, Kelly! Hmmm…how to create a country-wide book swap of business books??? Now you’ve got my head spinning. 🙂
Lucy Graham
On the subject of strategic planning and management, you’ll be hard pushed to find a better and more informative read that The Institute Way. https://balancedscorecard.org/Shop/ProductDetails/tabid/498/ProductID/1/Default.aspx