If you’re not busy, raise your hand.
Ha! I knew it!
Everyone is busy. Everyone has a full calendar and a full To Do list.
So where are you supposed to find time to think about the future of your business and how you will redesign it?
Of course you know that you have to find the time to think about the future of your business or it will sneak up on you and bite you in the butt.
Create a calendar for redesigning your business model
I can’t offer a miracle time-creator pill (wouldn’t that be cool?). But here’s how I carved out time to plan for my business redesign — maybe some of these tips will work for you.
- First I had to figure out the best time of day for me, the time when I’m thinking clearest and the time when I have energy and vitality. For me, that’s early in the morning.
- Next, I picked several one-hour time slots each week (8AM – 9AM) and booked an appointment with myself. No phones, no email, no hubby, no cats. I did this for a four-week period, two “self-appointments” per week for a total of 8 hours for the month. This time is used for brain-heavy thinking and planning.
- Then I figured out my most dreamy times, the times when my brain is shut off and my heart and intuition are open. 3PM is my mental down time.
- I scheduled 4 one-hour appointments in a month (once a week) to visit the lake and just sit for the hour from 3PM – 4PM. No cell phone, no laptop, no paper, no pen. Just me and the waves and the ducks. This time is used to sit quietly and just let whatever comes up to ripple to the surface of my consciousness. I figure if it’s important, I’ll remember it later and write it down, but I don’t want to stop the flow of energy by stopping to write down notes during this one hour “business meditation.”
It might take you a month or two to schedule these appointments with yourself. Just get them on your calendar.
Schedule business redesign Mega Time
The final thing I did was schedule a business redesign weekend for myself, away from the house. I was lucky that I had a business trip planned so I extended my stay a few days so I could have three days of undivided attention to my business future.
I also used a mastermind group retreat weekend to focus on my business redesign and brainstorm it with my mastermind group colleagues. But you might find a willing friend who will let you stay in their guest room for a few nights and who will understand if you’re incommunicado for part of that time so you can spend quiet time rethink and redesign your business model.
How are you carving out time to devote to planning your next business move?