You MUST have a way to measure the results of all your marketing. Tracking the success or failure of a marketing techniques solves the age-old question of “Which marketing techniques should I use?”
For instance:
- When you posted an status update on Facebook, did it increase traffic to your website?
- When you sent out your last email broadcast, did it produce sales?
- When you wrote your last blog entry, did it produce comments, shares or link backs?
- When you did SEO on your website, did it increase your rankings in the search engine results?
- When you made your free offer, did people subscribe to your mailing list?
Never, never start a new marketing technique without having a clear idea of what result you want from that technique, and a way to measure those results.
And at the end of each month take a look at those results and compare them to the results you wanted. Just because something produced poor results doesn’t mean you should give it the heave-ho. The first thing you should do it see if there are tweaks you could make that would produce better marketing results. Only after repeated failure should you get rid of a technique that is not producing for you.
Read the complete Why Marketing Fails blog series here:
- Why Marketing Fails: Introduction
- Why Marketing Fails #1: Market Research
- Why Marketing Fails #2: Follow-the-Herd Marketing
- Why Marketing Fails #3: No Follow-Up
- Why Marketing Fails #4: Blindfold Marketing
- Why Marketing Fails #5: Niche Exhaustion
- Why Marketing Fails #6: Lack of Repetition
- Why Marketing Fails #7: Not Tracking Success and Failure