No! No! No!
I got an email from a student the other day who said he wasn’t going to launch his class because he found out that a competitor had a similar new class.
Do not give up on your dream just because someone else has a twin idea.
It happens all the time!
There’s even a word for it: Zeitgeist. It means that the culture and climate of the times often produce ideas that are in alignment with each other.
I often see two or three products come on the market at the exact same time that eerily resembles each other. No one “stole” the idea from the others; it was just the right idea and the right time — for more than one person.
There is abundance all around us. You will draw the right students to your class not just because of what you teach, but who the teacher is (that’s you!). Every teacher designs a unique class based on the way they perceive the topic, and their own knowledge and experience. People will attend your class because you’ve designed it with them in mind.