For busy business owners, the most efficient way to create new revenue streams is to take what you know (and what you've already created), and leverage your content into multiple paid services and products. It will dramatically increase your revenue stream and holistically serve your customers. When you have a deep interest and knowledge in a …
How to Use Teaching to Grow Your Business
It’s getting harder and harder to get your customer's attention. They are deluged with information — so they scan-click-delete. Yet they cry out in the night for someone to explain things simply. The rules of modern marketing have changed, and it’s only going to get worse. You’d better find the most effective and efficient marketing techniques to …
Don’t Wait to Become an Expert in Your Field
There are really only three ways to get known as an expert in your field: teaching, speaking, writing. Let’s do it! Do not wait for someone's approval or permission. Don't wait until you know more -- there's always an audience who knows less about a topic than you do who need to work with you today. Don't wait until you lose weight, or find …
Free Information Isn’t Enough Anymore
I have ebooks, audios and videos sitting on my hard drive that I've never consumed. I bet you do, too. Free information is everywhere. Even if it's excellent, it's not always easy for your audience to digest it and create a strategy around it. The next place of growth for service professionals and information marketers is to take all the free …
Lurker Alert: The Art of Audience, Student and Mastermind Group Engagement
Who are those people who attend your mastermind group, Q+A session, or class but never talk? Why do people on Facebook and LinkedIn never respond? And how do you get them talking? Back in the mid-90s when I first went online via CompuServe (remember those days??), we noticed that for every 10 people looking at the message forum, one person …
Lurker Alert: The Art of Audience, Student and Mastermind Group EngagementRead More
Repeat After Me: Competition Is Good
No! No! No! I got an email from a student the other day who said he wasn't going to launch his class because he found out that a competitor had a similar new class. Do not give up on your dream just because someone else has a twin idea. It happens all the time! There's even a word for it: Zeitgeist. It means that the culture and climate of the …