As you are building your brand, you don't think about how to manage success in your small business. You struggle, sometimes for years, to get your small business off the ground. You plan, market, sell, schmooze. You spend long hours with little rest. Then suddenly it comes: Success! Do you have a plan for managing your …
Capture Your Valuable Knowledge
Do you have a gold mine of knowledge in your head?(Spoiler alert: the answer is "yes")When you want to create an offer that your clients crave, design it around your own knowledge — and the unique systems and models you created to help people reach goals and tackle problems.Designing your business around your intellectual property is a super way to …
8 Ways to Increase Revenue in 2024
Whether you sell private coaching or consulting, workshops or mastermind groups, you must make changes now to reap the rewards over the next six months. Now is the time to re-think your revenue model. Here are 8 ways to increase your income: Sell 10% more quantity of your existing offers. You already have products and services you sell, why not …
Embarrassed to Discuss Your Prices? Seven common reasons we can’t talk about fees and how to overcome them
Last week, a wonderfully skilled electrician installed a new light fixture for us. He was competent, courteous and efficient. He answered all our questions simply, with skill and eloquence. I was amazed when I asked him how much we owed him -- and his embarrassed reply was, "Gee, is $50 okay?" With the high quality of work he’d done and the …
Don’t Wait to Become an Expert in Your Field
There are really only three ways to get known as an expert in your field: teaching, speaking, writing. Let’s do it! Do not wait for someone's approval or permission. Don't wait until you know more -- there's always an audience who knows less about a topic than you do who need to work with you today. Don't wait until you lose weight, or find …
A Little At a Time, That’s How Big Things Happen
Many small business owners feel overwhelmed with what they have to do and the time constraints they have for accomplishing both big goals and everyday tasks. I heard an interview with Zack Hample (who wrote a book about baseball). Zack has a 203-pound rubber band ball in his home. The interviewer asked Zack if he was obsessive about building this …