There are really only three ways to get known as an expert in your field: teaching, speaking, writing.
Let’s do it!
Do not wait for someone’s approval or permission.
Don’t wait until you know more — there’s always an audience who knows less about a topic than you do who need to work with you today.
Don’t wait until you lose weight, or find the perfect clothing, or get Botox. Decide once and for all that other’s judgment of your physical features is their problem, not yours.
Don’t wait until you’ve crafted the “perfect” speech or the “perfect” lesson plan. Do the best you can, and tweak after each time you speak. Speaking and teaching are living arts; you get better each time you do them.
Don’t wait until you have enough money or time to put on a huge workshop or start a big mastermind group. Instead, start where you stand: gather a small group of people. You’ll grow your participants along the way each time you offer your class or mastermind group.
Don’t wait until you’ve written the most elegant blog post or book. If you need another pair of eyes on your writing, there are thousands of people in the world who need the same thing. Find a writing buddy and get your writing out into the world.
And finally, don’t wait until the fear goes away. It won’t go away. Instead, decide that you’ll work through the fear, you’ll be bold and brave — because it’s far worse to have regrets.