Whether you sell private coaching or consulting, workshops or mastermind groups, you must make changes now to reap the rewards over the next six months. Now is the time to re-think your revenue model. Here are 8 ways to increase your income: Sell 10% more quantity of your existing offers. You already have products and services you sell, why not …
44 Tips for Dealing with Overwhelm: The Ultimate Guide for Entrepreneurs Who Do Too Much
As a small business owner, there are often too many ideas, too many tasks and projects, and not enough time or resources. Entrepreneurs are a creative bunch of people and we're always thinking of new ideas! But are you dealing with the overwhelm, or letting it slow you down? I don't know anyone who isn't time-constrained. We all have busy lives, …
44 Tips for Dealing with Overwhelm: The Ultimate Guide for Entrepreneurs Who Do Too MuchRead More
Eeek! Shiny Object Syndrome!
It seems to be a trend that's growing: small business owners are getting distracted by too many ideas or the latest fad, going off in a million directions and never completing anything. This loss of focus is costing you hundreds of hours each year in lost productivity, lost hours, and lost dollars. It even has a name: SOS - Shiny Object …
A Little At a Time, That’s How Big Things Happen
Many small business owners feel overwhelmed with what they have to do and the time constraints they have for accomplishing both big goals and everyday tasks. I heard an interview with Zack Hample (who wrote a book about baseball). Zack has a 203-pound rubber band ball in his home. The interviewer asked Zack if he was obsessive about building this …
7 Tips for Managing Information Overload
Do you ever have that disturbing feeling that trying to squeeze one more piece of new information in your brain will render you senseless? Information overload causes stress and a loss of productivity. We're so busy gathering information that we never get into action around implementing all these great ideas. And we can't seem to put our fingers …
Why I Always Read Email First Thing Each Morning
Time-management pundits are always harping on how we waste time reading emails first thing in the morning. I think they're full of manure. First of all, a Marketo study found that 58% of people read email first thing in the morning, many reading email before they even eat breakfast. Is it just addiction -- or is there a good reason …