How do you know what your life purpose is, and the purpose of your business? How do you know if this is what your soul wants you to do? I’m a firm believer in “try something” even if we’re not sure that it’s the right thing.
Let me tell you a story:
On Christmas Eve 1999, I was home from work wrapping presents and watching the Oprah show. Her guest that day was Gary Zukav, author of “Seat of the Soul.” Gary was encouraging people to do what their soul wants them to do. Oprah, in her practical way, asked, “And how do you KNOW what your soul wants you to do?”
Gary’s answer changed my life. He said, “Try Something.”
For over 10 years, I had been working part-time on my “dream career” of being an author and Coach, while still holding down a full-time corporate job that I had outgrown, but paid well. I felt stuck, not sure how to move into my dream career full time and still have enough income to live on. Gary’s comment, Try Something, was a kick in the seat of the pants. If my dream career was meant to be, then I had to make an emotional and intellectual commitment to move forward in my life despite the fear. And I had to DO something, not just think about it.
The day after Christmas 1999, I took my first step, and contacted a woman I knew who was an author, asking about how to get my book published. Doors began to open, nearly every day! Two years later, I have designed and opened my own web site devoted to intuition and personal growth, hired a literary agent who is currently shopping my proposal to publishers, quit my corporate job (yay!) and started my own business, paid off all personal debt, and joined Weight Watchers (where I’ve lost 17 pounds…double yay!).
Many more small things that continue to happen every day. As I pay attention to the feedback the Universe is giving me to the actions I take, I realize I am following my soul. The sense of confidence and peace is overwhelming.
Gary’s comment changed many, many facets of my life. His encouragement about trying something, and paying attention to the feedback the Universe gives us, helps me daily in all my decision-making processes.
So, if you want to move forward in your life but you are waiting for the “right” thing to do, try thinking about it the other way around: TRY SOMETHING then pay attention to the feedback the Universe gives you about whether it’s right or not.