When it comes to marketing to multiple niches, I have two words of advice: 1. Go ahead! There's nothing wrong with targeting multiple niches. BUT... 2. Pick one and become a leader in it, then move on to the second one. If you try to go after too many niches (target audiences) at the same time, you will wear yourself out. It's exhausting and …
Why Marketing Fails #3: No Follow-Up
There are some people in the world who love the challenge of "cold calling" -- that is to say, you enjoy calling people who you have never met, have never had any contact via email or phone, and asking them whether they need your product or service. But what about those people who contact you and ask about your products and services? They're …
Why Marketing Fails #7: Not Tracking Success and Failure
You MUST have a way to measure the results of all your marketing. Tracking the success or failure of a marketing techniques solves the age-old question of "Which marketing techniques should I use?" For instance: When you posted an status update on Facebook, did it increase traffic to your website? When you sent out your last email broadcast, …
Why Marketing Fails #7: Not Tracking Success and FailureRead More
Why Marketing Fails #6: Lack of Repetition
One thing I know for sure: your customers are busy people. They see and hear your marketing message, and they may think, "Hey, that's a great product!" Then a child (or the boss) starts to scream, or an ice storm knocks out power, or they run out of gas on the highway, and POOF! -- Instant Distraction. Placing just one advertising message and …
Why Marketing Fails #4: Blindfold Marketing
Remember the childhood game, Pin The Tail on the Donkey? You would be blindfolded, spun around three times, and a paper donkey tail would be put in your hand. Your job was to "find the donkey" and attach the tail to it, without raising the blindfold. Lots of fun! (When you were 6 years old. Not so much today.) In business and marketing, working …
Why Marketing Fails #2: Follow-the-Herd Marketing
Do NOT follow the herd when it comes to choosing marketing techniques. Doing what everyone else does, or doing what's the latest-and-greatest hot trend, is a sure path to marketing failure. People tell me they want a marketing plan, but what they really mean is, "Tell me exactly which techniques to choose and when to do them." Guess what? There …