For busy business owners, the most efficient way to create new revenue streams is to take what you know (and what you've already created), and leverage your content into multiple paid services and products. It will dramatically increase your revenue stream and holistically serve your customers. When you have a deep interest and knowledge in a …
Nurturing the Not-Ready Customer Through the Buying Cycle
Wouldn't you love it if you could close every sale with a new customer in 30 minutes or less? But that rarely happens. A sales cycle can last up to six months, depending on how much research the potential customer has done before he or she comes to you. Before customers are ready to sign on the dotted line, they first must go through a …
Nurturing the Not-Ready Customer Through the Buying CycleRead More
Phases of Your Business Journey
I'd love to be able to tell you that there are set of linear and finite phases that every small business owner goes through while you're rethinking and redesigning your business model... ...but if I told you that, it would be a lie. But there are some well known phases that you might go through, sometimes circling back to one you thought you …
How to Use Teaching to Grow Your Business
It’s getting harder and harder to get your customer's attention. They are deluged with information — so they scan-click-delete. Yet they cry out in the night for someone to explain things simply. The rules of modern marketing have changed, and it’s only going to get worse. You’d better find the most effective and efficient marketing techniques to …
Why I Always Read Email First Thing Each Morning
Time-management pundits are always harping on how we waste time reading emails first thing in the morning. I think they're full of manure. First of all, a Marketo study found that 58% of people read email first thing in the morning, many reading email before they eat breakfast. Is it just addiction -- or is there a good reason for it? As a small …
3 Headline Formulas For Non-Copywriters
This blog post is for the rest of us – people who are NOT professional copywriters but need attention-getting copy and strong headlines. Let’s focus on writing good headlines for website sales pages and social media. Or, in the case of email newsletters, good subject lines. The purpose of a headline or subject line is to grab the reader's …