Last week, a wonderfully skilled electrician installed a new light fixture for us. He was competent, courteous and efficient. He answered all our questions simply, with skill and eloquence. I was amazed when I asked him how much we owed him -- and his embarrassed reply was, "Gee, is $50 okay?" With the high quality of work he’d done and the …
Are You Using the Wrong Marketing Model?
Should your marketing strategy be a funnel or a bullseye? Neither marketing model is wrong -- but one is more flexible to real-world situations than the other. And both offer you insights into creating a successful marketing strategy. Let me explain… Imagine two images: Whichever marketing model you're using, the concept is similar: …
How to Choose the Best Marketing Techniques
"I'm going nuts," one of my private clients emailed me last week. "There are so many marketing techniques, how in the world do I choose the best marketing techniques for my business, without making massive mistakes?" Putting together your marketing plan and your marketing campaigns can be a daunting task. You hear rumors that a specific …
Eeek! Shiny Object Syndrome!
It seems to be a trend that's growing: small business owners are getting distracted by too many ideas or the latest fad, going off in a million directions and never completing anything. This loss of focus is costing you hundreds of hours each year in lost productivity, lost hours, and lost dollars. It even has a name: SOS - Shiny Object …
Don’t Wait to Become an Expert in Your Field
There are really only three ways to get known as an expert in your field: teaching, speaking, writing. Let’s do it! Do not wait for someone's approval or permission. Don't wait until you know more -- there's always an audience who knows less about a topic than you do who need to work with you today. Don't wait until you lose weight, or find …
Dealing with Crazymaker Clients – Part 1
Dealing with difficult clients? I hear horror stories all the time from my colleagues and clients about their own customers (also -- vendors, mastermind group members, partners and employees) who constantly step outside the boundaries of what's considered good social behavior. Sure, we all make mistakes from time-to-time, but these folks make a …