Something's in the air! Everywhere I turn recently, I keep running into seasoned business owners who tell me stories about how they are changing their business model, reinventing the way they do business, modifying the products/services they offer, and shifting who their target audience is. Some say they're feeling restless: that they know …
Releasing Judgment and Asking For Help
A colleague sent me this email last year, and I wanted to share it with you, because it affects all small business owners: "I've purchased some of your material and taken a course on masterminding and still haven't moved forward with creating a mastermind group. I've recognized that part of my problem is moving past my desire for …
Following Your Soul, as a Business Owner
How do you know what your life purpose is, and the purpose of your business? How do you know if this is what your soul wants you to do? I'm a firm believer in "try something" even if we're not sure that it's the right thing. Let me tell you a story: On Christmas Eve 1999, I was home from work wrapping presents and watching the …
Are Gasoline Prices Eating Into Your Profits?
With the surge in gasoline prices lately, self employed people are wondering how these higher prices will effect their bottom line. Certainly you'll pay more at the pump, and if you do a lot of road travel as part of your business, this can really add up. In addition, the cost of your supplies may increase as trucking companies and shippers also …
What’s Your True, Deep Mission?
Does your business have a mission? I don't mean a Mission Statement. I mean a deep, true purpose for being in existence. I've come up with this one for me and my business: There are 21 million solo entrepreneurs in the USA, but only 9% make over $100,000. My mission is to change that 9% to 10%. What's your guiding light in your business? …
What’s Your Intention?
I went to a professional video techniques workshop one weekend with Rick Toone and Ken McArthur. They focused on the importance of planning when creating a video as a marketing tool for your business. They talked about being strategic in your intention for the purpose of each scene, the overall message of your video, and what will you do with …